
目前显示的是 八月, 2021的博文

How to choose safe and assured disposable underwear | Guidenonwoven.com

  1. Look at the outer packaging of the product. Whether to indicate the product implementation standard, hygiene standard, safety technology category and national hygiene license number and other information. Disposable products should meet the relevant standards of GB 15979-2002 "Hygienic Standards for Disposable Hygiene Products". They must not have abnormal odors and foreign bodies, and must not cause adverse irritation, allergic reactions and other damaging effects to the skin and mucous membranes. The raw materials and packaging are all It should be non-toxic and harmless, and clearly indicate the name of the content, the production unit, etc. The final product must use effective disinfection methods such as ethylene oxide, ionizing radiation, and pressure steam (the most common is ethylene oxide sterilization). According to the compulsory national standard GB 18401-2010 "National Basic Safety Technical Specifications for Textile Products", safety technology A

Do you know the disposable underwear for pregnant women | Guidenonwoven.com

  Are  disposable underwear for pregnant women hygienic ? According to the National Hygienic Standards for   Disposable Hygiene Products   (GB15979-2002), it is required to meet the standards in terms of the total number of colonies, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus, and the total number of fungal colonies. This is an average consumer It is impossible to make a judgment based on the surface of the product. In addition to microorganisms, two key indicators need to be paid attention to: 1. Whether the formaldehyde content is within the specified range (normally ≤75). 2. Whether the PH value is within the specified interval (normally 4.0-7.5). These basic indicators are also difficult for consumers to make judgments. In order to ensure their own health, products from regular brand manufacturers are the only choice, and hygiene is guaranteed. How to use  disposable underwear for pregnant women ? Because the belly does not return to

What are the effects of mask meltblown cloth compared with shell masks | Guidenonwoven.com

  What are the functions of the   mask melt blown cloth ? What is the   melt blown filter cloth ? I want to talk about these many people are very confused, but many people often encounter such products in their daily lives. Today, let's get together to popularize the common sense of relevant aspects. We wear masks in our lives mainly to isolate dust, haze, bacteria and other pollution and viruses. According to different protection requirements, the classification of masks is also different. Ordinary flat masks generally consist of three layers, and the upper and lower sides are made of PP non-woven fabric. The middle layer is a  protective melt blown cloth , which is generally 20 grams in weight; while the N95 cup mask is composed of hot air cotton, melt blown cloth, and non-woven fabrics. The melt blown cloth is usually 40 grams or even Higher, coupled with the thickness of needle-punched cotton, so it looks thicker than a flat mask in appearance, and its protective effect can rea

What is meltblown cloth electret treatment | Guidenonwoven.com

  This question is the most frequently asked by   mask manufacturers . We have compiled the information and discussed with you what is meltblown electret treatment. Electret refers to a dielectric material with long-term charge storage function. It has the advantages of high efficiency, low flow resistance, antibacterial, and energy saving. On the basis of ensuring the physical collision blocking effect of conventional filter materials, it adds electrostatic adsorption. The electret treatment makes the  filter material  fibers charged, combined with the dense characteristics of meltblown ultrafine fiber materials, so a large number of electrodes are formed between the charged fibers. The charged fibers can not only attract most of the charged particles in the environment like a magnet, but also Part of the uncharged particles can be polarized, and then some pollutants with smaller particle size can be adsorbed, and even nano-sized substances such as viruses can also be electrostaticall